Tuesday, February 21, 2006

more free pixel ad space added to "the four required words" blog

As a blog grows, a side effect is more open space, on the right hand side of our blog. Instead of letting this space goto waste we have added another pixel ad grid. This grid can grow as the blog grows, and is a great utilization of the left over space we have. This also benefits people seeking more free ad space, and also this space can be resold, everything that applies to the top grid applies to the side grid on "the four required words" blog.

As I previously mentioned most of the current search results for the term "the four required words" are forums. In light of this this they have added another prize to the SEO contest. This prize is for all of the forum owners, since they are all showing up, there will be a prize for the forum owners who participate. If you are a forum owner of any kind and would like to participate in this "the four required words" contest please view my first post and follow the link that explains the contest.


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