Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Where to find seo contests

After joining "the four required words" seo contest i wanted to learn more about seo contests and if any other ones were currently running. This information i found was scattered and also there is no central place that lists seo contests, so i decided to make a website to bring it all together. At SEOcontests.info you can find listings on seo contests, and for contest starters you can list your seo contest for free to gain more participants and if you need sponsors then potential sponsors can contact you. Its a completely free seo contest submission service, with information on past and current seo contests. For more information visit seocontests.info.

Back to "the four required words" seo contest. I may have mentioned before but i gained a good amount of information and knowledge from participating in "the four required words" contest, and its been fun too.


Blogger Von Doane said...

I am glad you decided to create "the four required words" blog. I am very happy I discovered this Blog. One can unintentionally and unknowingly wander gropping, feeling lost, befuddled and confused for a long time on the Internet trying to avoid the unknown pitfalls and get connected and linked to the right sources and / or resources.

I have personally learned in my 2 years Online as an infoprovider and entrepreneur there are many factors that contribute to one's success on the Internet. In my opinion, two of the main key factors to success on the Internet is # 1 Promotion and # 2 Traffic. In order to get traffic you must promote and advertise your website, your products and / or your services.

There are many ways to approach and accomplish the tasks of promotion and Internet advertising. The challenge is to find the best time saving and most cost efficient way to promote and advertise Online. One is usually faced with a dilligent search to find the best Internet advertising sources and the best way to utilize found advertisement sources & / or resources for positive results. It appears to me that "The Four Required Words" Blog is a good source.

The Blog's Webmaster seems to be the Sponsored of the 1st worldwide
"Free Image Evolving Viral Pixel Link Ad Banner" that I have seen on the Internet. As the advertisers on the grid of "the four required words" are added and the Pixel Ads listed grows so does it's Viral value to it's participants as new advertisers get added and link the pixel ad banner onto their website. There is no cost to advertisers. Just the willingness to participate. One can add up to a 1000 pixel image on"the four required words" pixel ad banner.

In the past week I have visited about 100 pixel ad sites. Alot of sites are offering free traffic trail promotional pixel ads for 30, 60, 90, 180 days. I found one major pixel ad site offering 100 x 10 = 10,000 Block free pixel ads. Another site is offering one 12 Block free pixel advertisement for 1 year. "The Four Required Words" Blog is the 3rd major free offer site that I have visited . It is the only one that has an incredible extra value $ profit incentive (read blog post) for Internet Advertisers that are participants. The dollar value for a 100 x 10 = 1,000 premium pixel ad located at the top of a page rank - 5 / showing Alexa traffic graph results is not free!!! A Pixel Ad of this size on a penny site is $1,000.00. There is no gurantee about the location of your ad.

"The Four Required Words" Pixel Ad Banner allows participating advertisers especially, a new Internet advertiser to get connected and linked to well established websites links and back links. Which will potentially increase one's existing Page Rank, Alexa Traffic Rank and help the new advertiser to develop an Internet Presence. Because many of the current advertisers already listed on "the four required words" pixel ad banner already have daily consistent traffic & / or high website traffic and repeated visitors the banner advertised on their site can give your site and my site more exposure, hits, click thrus and page views. In turn, our referral traffic can increase their traffic numbers and volume. The Free Reciprocal Image and Ad Banner Exchange is a win - win that benefits and supports the goals of "the four required words" blog webmaster and the advertiser participant promotion and advertising goals for traffic.

I believe, this is Viral Marketing at it's Best. "The Four Required Word" Pixel Ad Banner has the potential to currently give maximum spactial exposure to viewers and expotentially increase the visitor traffic of the current listed advertisers on the pixel ad banner. All future interested advertisers that chose to participate both before and after "the four required words" pixel ad banner space is filled will want to retain the pixel ad banner on their website because it is an unique pixel ad banner. Visitors will click out of curiosity. The ad images and it's final form is not static. It will have the option to change in the near future. Because of a special incentive offered by "the four required words" blog webmaster. Thereby, changing the color, shape and eclectic inner collage form. The ad banner has the potential to be link indefinitely. I am excited that I click thru to this site yesterday on 5/8/06 from another pixel ad site. I am able to be one of "the four required words" participant, watch and see the ad banner's images change form as new participants re-design it and "the four requires words" spread on the Internet. Yes, I have become a repeated visitor within 24 hours of my initial visit to "the four required words" blog. Afterall, I have to see did my 3 referrals that I personally sent an e-mail to Internationally ex: the U.K., Sweden and Portugal will take advantage of this opportunity! If you are reading this I Highly Recommend for you to sign up. Learn to recognize an "window of opportunity". Make it work for you.

4:31 PM  
Blogger admin said...


First i just want to say thank you for taking the time out to read my blog. I really appreciate your feedback and comments, it means alot.

If you or anyone else would ad space there is plenty left. And i will continue to write on this blog far after the contest is completed so please keep checking back.

Thank you for your support!

9:52 PM  

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