Sunday, December 24, 2006

SEO, pixels and the never ending need for a plug

2006 comes to close within a week, with that said Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to all. In the begining of 06 it was all pixels and pixel ads too, as that has much cooled down now the seo contests are still running stong and overall tripled the amount than of the previous year. The outlook for seo contests in 2007 is good, while pixels not so good. The first contest i entered was "the four required words" seo contest in which i did well in yahoo, also used pixel ads. I think i might bring the pixel ad trick back for the SEO world championship and sandbox the site for the first 2 and half months. Nah, who know, will have to register a new domain name though, now about the time for a plug. Cpayscom2 online casino is king of all cpayscom2's and there is alot of those online casino's around.

I remember back in the pixel hottness a site i once blogged about, this in my opinion is where pixel ads are headed. You can target the pixel ads, put a pixel banner on your site or blog like the one on top of here. You could even buy your own banner and sell pixels from it and manage it, pixel banner swap takes care of hosting the pixel banner. Its a good concept around the fact that a pixel ad grid is better as a small accessory on a niche website than as itself a nich website. If the content is already there and the traffic and people are going to the site than it really cant hurt to put a small banner of targeted ads on your site which you could profit from, or gain more traffic from or what have you. See, the main problem with pixel websites built for that sole purpose is that there is nothing that draws attention in, or if it is, than it need to be created and still after a while traffic slowly dips to its steady point and unless your the million dollar homepage or (haha)( you have to do silly things which sometimes are fun. Point being has alot to offer if you have a few extra minutes of your time and a small open space on your website. Oh yeah and the pixels are free. The site also changed ownership and is undergoing some retooling and should be ready for full action soon.

Other than that have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and Cpayscom2 online casino like you cant cpayscom2 online casino no mo. Poker supply has poker supplies


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