Strange title, true story. Now obviously if you read my last post about getting hijacked in the search engines, you would think the next post would be something more cpayscom2 or online casino related. Clearly in a normal setting that would be what im doing, but unfortunatley my
cpayscom2 online casino was eaten by and due to the fact that this "website" has swallowed this blog with probably half of the internet by now really starts to urinate meHoff. <--- thats piss me off for all you puzzle solvers
Now if you dont know by now, i dont know if you will, or even if it will be around after today, but the fact is the web eater has been around for some time now and its eating all of the sites on the internet and whats looks to be like regurgitating them out with their links linking to their own domains. Basically im going to refer to from now on as the "web eater". When i first came across the web eater i was doing some research on my backlinks, when i discovered another url possing as mine, with my exact website in place. Picture my normal url --> and now my url after it was eaten --> Usually scraper sites dont last long in the SE's for duplicate content obviously but for some reason this one lasts long enough to get indexed.
Now immediatley i thought it was a site like i suggested in my last post which is called a scraper site. But this time it wasnt, usually scraper sites are know to scrape the internet for information, basically reading all of your sites info and copying it into a new page on another domain. But after further looking in to, i noticed it was operating as some sort of Chinese proxy service. After further investigation i found out who the owner of the site was and called him on the phone at 4:15 AM (completely uncalled for yes, but completely warranted). After speaking with a man with a strong asian accent, who continually tried to bullsh!t me and talk around the bush i had enough of screaming in his ear for a half hour and hung up.
In the middle of screaming calling this guy a "cpayscom2 online casino" and catching my breath i actually did speak on a normal level with this "man" if you want to call him that. He asked what my domains were so he could fix it, instead i told him to take them all down, to this he repied he cannot do it. This Fin son of a b, has the nerve to fix the mess up if you contact him but will continue to do what hes doing, which is basically steal from every site he scraped. Steal content, search listings all to draw back to his supposed proxy service. What a F'in class act.
Thats not even the worst part, normally with scraper sites they have to store the info the collect in a database. For some reason this thing or script doesnt seem to have one, and another exact same site is actually eating the web eater, so the web eater is getting eaten by another web eater, which means the internet is getting swallowed chewd up and swallowed and chewd up. Sounds weird yes i know, but you can try to see if your website has been eaten by typing into the browser -->
I dont know what the hell's goin on around here but i have the feeling cpayscom2 isnt in the online casino anymore. And if cpayscom2 was in the online casino he should stay there so he doesnt get eaten. Now i dont know whats going on here but its weird, im sure you could do your own investigating and find out what maybe this thing is.
On the other hand i could be going crazy, like cpayscom2 and wind up in an online casino somewhere in the middle of the dessert, with only a speedo on. Hmmm, cpayscom2