Friday, February 24, 2006

first spotted in MSN - 2nd result

Our first spotting in the search engines was from MSN and we are currently #2 for our required words. I first noticed this 2 days ago but was unable to make post because the blog was locked for possible search engine spamming and irrelivant content, haha. Seems as though bloggers robots threw up a flag because of the keyword rich page when it was being indexed. I mean there is only four words that are required for the SEO contest and the search engines contain little to no results, and the blog is definatley relevant. Anyway it was reviewed and approved obviously and will no longer be a threat to be flagged. This is great news because i have been establishing links and it would be a big consumption of time to have to change them all.

Since one area of my test is covering how well pixel grids perform on blogs it is only necessary to expand on the earning potentials. Pixel Advertising is evolving everyday, and more applications and programs are being developed to give publishers the most flexibility and earnings they can squeeze out of their website. I mentioned that the pixel grid is a great revenue generating tool but i didnt explain exactly how you can get paid and what kind of programs offer pixel ads to publishers of blogs and websites. But what if you cant sell your pixel ad space? Or you just put one on your blog and it's empty, people would have a better chance to purchase one of your ads if they already see ads on your pixels grid. And what if you want to advertise on a large number of high traffic blogs and websites but you dont have the time to goto each site and make a purchase. There is a new solution to both of these problems and is assured to start filling up your pixel grid the right way so you can start earning immediatley, or if you want to get your product or service out there as fast as possible. Its a brand new company i have myself joined because it is a great idea and i can earn a few bucks in the meantime for basically doing nothing, so im suggesting it here. It's called, what this website does is blast your pixel ad to all of the pixel site publishers in the network. The advertiser pays a premium to have his ad submitted and a large % of the funds goes into the publishers pool. Now if you are a publisher you then put the advertisers pixel ad on your website, and you get paid depending on what % of total clicks came from your site, so the more traffic your blog gets most likely more clicks you will get. The reason i feel this is a huge move in the right direction is because Pixel Advertising is growing rapidly and with more pixel web sites there is more open space. This gives the pixel blog or site owner an extra revenue stream that he can use to promote or maintain his own website, or buy a new outfit or whatever. The best part is that unlike conventional contextual advertising, there is no way to tell which ads are sponsored. As some individuals see ads and wont click on them because they are ads.

If you would like the full details on the advertiser and publisher program please visit

I have no ties to the above company other than we exchanged links and then i signed up at their program as a publisher because i knew it would be a perfect compliment to this blog. And when i come across good idea and product i like to share them with others.

Stayed tuned as the next update will contain an update for the search results for the term "the four required words".

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

more free pixel ad space added to "the four required words" blog

As a blog grows, a side effect is more open space, on the right hand side of our blog. Instead of letting this space goto waste we have added another pixel ad grid. This grid can grow as the blog grows, and is a great utilization of the left over space we have. This also benefits people seeking more free ad space, and also this space can be resold, everything that applies to the top grid applies to the side grid on "the four required words" blog.

As I previously mentioned most of the current search results for the term "the four required words" are forums. In light of this this they have added another prize to the SEO contest. This prize is for all of the forum owners, since they are all showing up, there will be a prize for the forum owners who participate. If you are a forum owner of any kind and would like to participate in this "the four required words" contest please view my first post and follow the link that explains the contest.

Monday, February 20, 2006

search results and contest update

"The four required words" SEo contest is set to run from February 15th to May 15th 2006, so four months should be enough time to get "the four required words" blog indexed by the major search engines. Currently the main results are showing mainly forums explaining the contest are showing up in the search engines. This blog has been the first competitor mentioned on The Million Dollar Screen Shot contest page.

As for the current search engine results, I will do a list of how many current results come up in each search engine, and our current position if any. Below is a list the current search engine results and image results as of February 21, 2006:

1. Google Search:
current results for "the four required words" - 21
our position: - not listed, although you can find our blog through that search term, our url isnt currently listed.

2. MSN Search:
current results for "the four required words" - 47
our position: - not listed, although you can find our blog through that search term, our url isnt currently listed.

3. Yahoo! Search:
current results for "the four required words" - 39
our position: not listed, same as above you can find our blog.

4. A9 Web Search:
current results for "the four required words" - 14
our position: not listed, same as above you can find our blog.

5. Google Images:
no results, not listed.

6. A9 Images:
no results, not listed.

7. Images:
1 result, not listed.

Although "the four required words" blog is not currently listed in any of the search results we are still able to be found, which is a start, and i am taking a guess that we will be in the search results withing the next week or two.

What I'm going to do to try and win.

First off i can almost guarantee some will try and slam this site and do what they can to get it taken out of the search results when it does show up. I know and am already for this to happen so Im just goint to explain exactly what im doing and it really doesnt matter what happens, if something were to happen, i have a little back up plan set in place if anything starts to go sour by someone elses doing.

What i did so far to this site was just write a few blogs and trying to establish links, thats the jist of it, not to complicated and anyone can really do the same thing im doing, but i hope "the four required words" seo contest stays fair, and what i mean by that is i am not going to intentionally do anything to any other contestant and i hope they would have the same respect for me. But im sure there will be 1 jealous little Napoleon that just feels the need to be a prick. So to you my friend i say, haha.

So ive decided to make this sharade a little more interesting, and this is what i just got the idea to do. I think that when the pixel ads fill up, if anyone is intrested in selling their space they can do so. If you are intrested in selling your space, you can ONLY do so when the entire grid is filled. If you are intrested in putting your space up for sale, you can simply link your current ad to your salespage and sell it yourself. When you sell it and get the persons ad information simply send it to me and i will change the information of your ad to the new advertisers ad. Sound cool?

I really dont know what else to offer people for exchanging links, free traffic, ability to sell free ad space yourself for a profit. I mean really what else? Timely updates, ok i slacked over the weekend, but when i do update "the four required words" blog, it a good read, well at least i hope it is.

This entire contest will last 4 months, and in that time i am expecting to receive a decent amount of traffic.

Another SEO technique and traffic technique is purchasing domain names that i think people will type in within the next four months, i went and registered these 2 domains because i think they will produce their worth in traffic and also help in the search engines. Im sure when this contest becomes more wide spread that there will be people intrested in the domains i registered and will probly wind up going to the url.

The domains are and both of which are pointing to this blog. And in the case that someone tries to muff my chances, i will break out one of these guys.

Now some SEO experts must be thinking, what in the hell is this idiot doing offering to exchange links when he is currently in a SEO contest?

Look I might be a little out there but im not dumb, the pixel grid is shown through an I frame on this site, and is actually hosted on another website, which means when a link is placed it is being shown here and people can click on it and goto your site from here, but as far as the search engines are concerned they only see an i frame, and they have a little trouble with them anyway. So the outgoing links arent actually coming from this blog they are coming from where the pixel grid is currently being hosted. This also means that anyone who links to this blog, it is a one way link for us, even though it may apper to be a reciprocal link...its not for you either, the person who links to us is still able to have their ad shown, benefit from our traffic, and sell their ad space when the grid fills up. Nothing changes, just now you know why we are doing what we are doing and maybee we are wrong and it will backfire. Who knows you will just have to keep up with this to find out our progress.

What can i say im full of tricks. Stay Tuned Clown Hats.

Friday, February 17, 2006

My "The Four Required Words" Pixel Ad Blog Test

"The Four Required Words" SEO contest is a great opportunity for me to test a prediction i made about Blogs and Pixel Advertising. "The Four Required Words" blog is the first actual blog i have really written, although i have written on a blog in my website i have never actually written a regular blog like this. was the second pixel advertising website i have made, and i had made a prediction that in a years time you wouldn't see a blog without pixel ads.

When i first heard about "The Four Required Words" contest it sounded like fun. While messing around online i have found some success in the search engines, and i have found pretty good success on Yahoo! and MSN particularly on the first page, which brought it a couple hundred visitors per month for various keywords per month. So here i am participating in the "The Four Required Words" SEO contest but i am also testing out my prediction, so along with updated juicy content i am hoping to place in the top 3 results for each search engine, now if alot of people find out about "The Four Required Words" contest the more traffic this page will receive if its in the top 3 results. The more traffic a web page receives the valuable the advertising space on that page, with pixel ads, you can put a grid of your choice the size on your blog or website just like the one above, and if you are receiving alot of traffic you can generate extra revenue from selling or renting that ad space on your blog.

"The Four Required Words" Blog is offering free ad space on our pixel banner to whoever would like a link from "The Four Required Words" Blog. Why would you want a link from the "The Four Required Words" Blog? Because if we are listed in the top 3 search result we are going to get alot of traffic, the word of this contest and my test could spread and within the next month a 10,000 people or more could visit this page. This is where the pixel ads come in, the grid is sitting smack in the middle of the page, its prime advertising space, and with pixel ads its not 1 rotaing banner, its all of the ads all of the time. The best part about pixel ads is that they help in SEO. Why do they help? Pixel ads help SEO because the links coming in are using an alt text so the search engines read this text that is tied to your link and your rank is raised for those selected keywords you use, this is why we are asking you to link to us with the alt text being "The Four Required Words", so it boosts us for that search term in the search engines. The more visitors we have the valuable the ad space will be, but if the ad space will be valuable why are we giving it away free? Becuse we want you to help us win "The Four Required Words" SEO contest and in return we will reward you with free traffic and a pixel ad which will help YOUR search engine ranking for that particular keyword of your choice, and the more links we have the more valuable your ad space will be, all just for linking to us.

The reason i chose a blog for "The Four Required Words" SEO contest is simply because i heard they produce alot of traffic and plus it is easy to update, i have never written one before because i never had anything to write about, haha, so here goes nothing. If this works "The Four Required Words" Blog alone will make my prediction very much true, because if any blogger has a high traffic blog and a little open space he or she can easily generate extra revenue by selling pixel ads.

I started by signing up at and to promote "The Four Required Words" Blog, to try and get links because many pixel site owners frequent these places and look for places who offer free pixel ads, and if "The Four Required Words" Blog catches their eye i can guarantee some will want an free pixel ad from "The Four Required Words" Blog. Simply because it will greatly help promote their website if we start recieving alot of traffic and the more people that link to us will help.

The directions to linking to "The Four Required Words" Blog are underneath the pixel grid, if anyone is interested.

We would really appreciate a link, and you can see how this will benefit all of us. Help Us Win "The Four Required Words" SEO contest and we all win!

Thank you

Thursday, February 16, 2006

"The Four Required Words" are the four required words for the SEO contest

Welcome to "The Four Required Words" blog. This blog is currently in a SEO contest that is being held by The contest is for a comparison on the different search engines and how fast results get placed, among other things. The main reason "The Four Required Words" that were chosen were "The Four Required Words" is because that when Guillaume, the owner of The Million Dollar Screen Shot performed a search for the term "The Four Required Words" nothing came up in the results. So thats how they were chosen. And Guillaume designed this SEO Contest for fun and is also giving away some great prizes to the winners.

So why is "The Four Required Words" SEO contest interesting?

Because only common English words are being used, the search result for "The Four Required Words" is a quoted expression, and will be conducted using the 4 major search engines and 3 image search engines.

So whats the point of "The Four Required Words" SEO contest for anyone interested in joining?

The PRIZES and the FUN. The is giving away great prizes to the winners of "The Four Required Words" SEO contest.

Here is the positions and prizes:
Searches and Prizes
All the searches are for this expression "the four required words"

1. Google Search
Position: first non-sponsored result
Prize: $100 USD + One Icon on the Million Dollar Screenshot
2. MSN Search
Position: first non-sponsored result
Prize: $20 USD
3. Yahoo Search
Position: first non-sponsored result
Prize: $20 USD
4. A9 Web Search
Position: first non-sponsored result
Prize: $20 USD
5. Google Images
Position: first non-sponsored result
Prize: $20 USD
6. A9 Images
Position: first non-sponsored result
Prize: $20 USD

7. Images
Position: first non-sponsored image result
Prize: $20 USD

Sound interesting? Would you like to join "The Four Required Words" SEO contest, well its easy and here is the rules to the contest:
You can win for more than one search.
For the websites
All SEO techniques are allowed.
Every website has to have an email address published on that site so that nobody else can claim your prizes.
In order to qualify for the prize, a web page must contain a visible, clickable and over-the-fold link to The Million Dollar Screenshot homepage or to this page
For the images
All SEO techniques are allowed.
Every image must be in one of the following formats: PNG, GIF, JPG.
Every image has to have an email address written on that image so that nobody else can claim your prizes.

*** sections above were used from

Now that you know the Rules and Prizes to "The Four Required Words" SEO contest join in the fun today!

We will keep updated on the latest search results and positions, so check back often for the latest new on "The Four Required Words" SEO contest and wish us luck.

written by